A clubhouse is a great idea for any company or organization. It helps employees bond while also giving them a place to unwind after a long day. However, having a clubhouse also comes with some drawbacks. A clubhouse can become a place where employees go to smoke pot, drink alcohol, or have other parties. If your company has a clubhouse, you may want to consider implementing some rules and restrictions to avoid these problems. If you’re thinking about setting up your own company clubhouse, keep reading for more information about the benefits and drawbacks of this idea. A good company clubhouse helps employees build trust and camaraderie while also giving them a place to unwind after work. It also gives employees a reason to stay healthy and active outside of work hours. However, there are some downsides to having a clubhouse at work that you should be aware of before making a final decision. Let’s take a closer look at some of the potential drawbacks of having a clubhouse at work.

Employees may abuse the clubhouse.

One of the biggest drawbacks of having a clubhouse at work is that employees may abuse the space. If you don’t have any rules or restrictions in place, employees may start smoking pot or drinking alcohol in the clubhouse to unwind after work. This could make the clubhouse a place where employees only go to smoke pot or drink alcohol. Even if you add some rules to the clubhouse that prohibit smoking or drinking, you may not be able to enforce them if you don’t have security or other employees on hand to monitor the clubhouse.If you don’t want the clubhouse to be a place where people go to smoke pot or drink alcohol, you may want to designate a certain area of the clubhouse for that. You could also have a designated area for people to eat their lunches and relax.

Employees may not feel comfortable sharing personal information at work.

Another drawback of having a clubhouse at work is that employees may not feel comfortable sharing personal information at work. If you have employees who don’t drink alcohol or smoke pot, they may not feel comfortable sharing their personal information with people who do. For example, if you have a company health insurance plan, employees who don’t smoke pot may not feel comfortable sharing their medical information with employees who do smoke pot.This can be a big problem if you have a health insurance plan that requires each employee to get a full physical every year. If you have an employee who doesn’t want to share their medical information with people who smoke pot, they may refuse to get a physical and end up costing the company money in the long run.

Employees may not get enough time to relax outside of work hours.

Another drawback of having a clubhouse at work is that employees may not get enough time to relax outside of work hours. If your company has a clubhouse, employees may use the space to unwind after work. However, they may not have enough time to relax outside of work hours. Many people find themselves too busy to relax after work. If employees don’t have time to relax outside of work, they may become stressed out and unhealthy.If you want employees to relax after work, you may want to consider setting up a relaxation room or lounge. This can be a great way to encourage employees to relax and unwind after work.

The clubhouse may become a reason for employees to stay at work longer.

Another drawback of having a clubhouse at work is that it may become a reason for employees to stay at work longer. If you have a company clubhouse, employees may find themselves spending more time at work just so they can go to the clubhouse. This may lead to employees spending less time on their work and more time at work.If you want employees to focus on their work, you may want to consider removing the clubhouse from the office. You could also set up a break room or other area in the office where employees can relax outside of work hours.


A clubhouse at work can be a great way to help employees relax and unwind after a long day. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a clubhouse can also become a place where employees abuse the space and don’t get enough time to relax outside of work hours. If you want to set up a clubhouse at work, it’s important to make sure employees have enough time to relax outside of work hours. You can do this by setting up a relaxation room or lounge in the clubhouse.

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