Water is one of the most essential substances on this planet, and yet it is also one of the most abundant. It is estimated that about 70 percent of the human body is made up of water. Water makes up about 70% of our body mass and is essential for all living organisms. So it’s no wonder that water is one of the most sought after commodities on the planet. Fortunately for us, water is abundant on earth and comes in many forms. There are many ways in which water can be found on our planet, but the two main types are fresh water and salt water. Fresh water is the water that flows from rivers, lakes, streams, and other freshwater sources. It’s free of harmful chemicals and is generally safe for drinking and other uses. Salt water, on the other hand, is found in oceans and large bodies of water and is usually obtained through desalination. Let’s take a look at how these two types of water are created:

How does fresh water get from the ocean to us?

We are used to hearing about how much water is in the oceans, but not so much about how fresh water gets from the sea to us. Fresh water is so abundant that it covers most of the earth’s surface. It is estimated that there is more fresh water than there is salt water in the world’s oceans. This means that there is enough fresh water on earth to last for billions of years.The process by which fresh water gets from the ocean to us is called “convection.” This is a process by which water is heated, which causes it to rise and fall in currents. This movement of water is what carries fresh water from the ocean to us. The process is very slow and is usually the reason why people think there is less fresh water available in certain areas. This misconception has led to many disputes between countries over water rights.

How does salt water get to us?

Salt water is created when salt dissolves in water. This happens naturally as salt is often found in the soil or rock that water flows through. Salt is a naturally occurring substance and is very abundant on earth. So, while there is plenty of fresh water, there is far less salt water.When salt water is pumped out of the ocean, it is called “seawater” or “brackish water.” This water may be used for irrigation, but it is usually used for other purposes. It can be used to clean and sanitize buildings, make cement, and even make paper. It can also be used as a source of energy.

How is water used?

Water is used in many ways, both on a personal level and on a global scale. People use water for many things, including drinking and bathing. Water is also used to grow crops and for other agricultural purposes. In some areas, people even use water to generate electricity. It is estimated that water makes up about 80% of the world’s energy consumption.Water is also used for many other purposes. It is used for cleaning and sanitizing, in food and beverage production, in paper production, and in many other industries. It is also used in mining, in sewage treatment, and in many other processes.


Water is essential for all living organisms on earth and is found in many different forms. There are many ways in which water can be found on our planet, but the two main types are fresh water and salt water. Fresh water is the water that flows from rivers, lakes, streams, and other freshwater sources. It’s free of harmful chemicals and is generally safe for drinking and other uses. Salt water, on the other hand, is found in oceans and large bodies of water and is usually obtained through desalination.People use water for many different purposes, both on a personal level and on a global scale. It is estimated that water makes up about 80% of the world’s energy consumption.